How can we offer immediate relief through resources offered up by the community to support Maui after the devastating wildfires?

Relaunched the relaunched website to include urgent and timely wildfires disaster relief needs. Total turnaround time for rush project: 3 days. Quick growth and pivot for web development and resources.


Quickly became the go-to site for Maui's wildfire disaster

Rushed to find, re-organize, and publicize Maui Nui Strong resources to allow those who wanted to help to offer support and for those who needed help to get support.

FOR "OFFER SUPPORT": Donate funds, donate food & supplies, volunteer.

FOR "GET SUPPORT": Find/search missing person, emergency relief, business relief, financial assistance, food & supplies, government aid, keiki & mothers, medical care, mental health, temporary housing, transportation, etc.

Collaborate with Local, State and Federal

Working together with County of Maui, State of Hawaii and across multiple organizations like FEMA and the Red Cross

Constantly shifting needs from disaster to recovery

From the devastating moment that the fire left thousands homeless till now as Maui works to rebuild, every month shifts the priorities. We've continued to maintain this website to make sure the latest information is shown and easily accessible to the public.

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Connect the community to ways they can get and receive support

Thousands for families lost everything and an entire community was forced out of their homes. The entire world had their eyes on Maui during August and everyone was asking how and where they could support. We quickly gathered trustworthy sources to point thousands of visitors and donors to garner monetary and physical donations.


One-stop-shop for Resources

Find the latest resources for residents, businesses or visitors.

Chat bot automations to triage FAQs

Offer Support - Donate funds, Donate supplies or Volunteer

Request Help - Financial relief, Missing person, Food distribution, Mental health resources, Housing resources.

focused on

Resources Direct-to-Consumer

How can we not only offer resources online? But as resources come out, give the right people the right access.

Chat Workflow Automations

Triage top questions with logic tree that fits anyone who comes to the site.
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Working in disaster relief is a dynamic process that required deep compassion and massive flexibility. The best thing we can do is understand that everything is changing and to ask the community what they need, so we can adapt to their needs as rebuilding begins.

Current focuses are on housing and mental health.